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Friday 9 February 2018

New Endowment Plus (835)


This is the ULIP (Unit Linked Insurance Plan). This is insurance cum investment plan, where the money will be invested in an equity market.
This is unique plan. We Start as SIP for long Term equity market and get high return and life insured.

1.You can choose your premium amount.
2.Your insurance coverage will be based on the premium amount you have chosen.
3.LIC charges premium allocation amount. This is 7.5% in the first year, 5% from 2nd to 5th year, and 3% after the 6th year.
4.LIC charges Fund Management Charges too. This will be 0.70% per year on unit fund.
5.If you discontinue then LIC penalizes you by charging 0.50% per year on unit fund.
6.The rest of the amount will be invested in the market based on the option chosen by an investor

Eligibility of LIC’s New Endowment Plus (Table No.835)
Minimum age at entry is 90 days.
Maximum age at entry is 50 years.
Policy Term is 10 to 20 Years.
Minimum Annual Premium is Rs.20, 000.
Maximum Annul Premium limit-NO LIMIT.
Basic Sum Assured mean higher of 10 times of annual premium and 105% of total premiums paid.

What is the maturity benefit?
An amount equal to Policyholder’s Fund Value will be payable.

What is the commencement of Risk?
If entry age is less than 8 Yrs-Date of Purchase+2 Years.
If entry age is more than 8 Yrs-Immediately.

Switching of Fund-
Only four switches are free. Later on you have to Rs.100 per switch.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

LIC’s Cancer Cover (UIN: 512N314V01)

LIC’s Cancer Cover (UIN: 512N314V01)
LIC’s Cancer Cover (UIN: 512N314V01)

LicS cancer cover (uin: 512N314V01)
(A non-linked, non-participating, health insurance plan)

The policy can be purchased offline as well as online. To purchase the policy online please log on to

he plan offers two benefit options wherein you have the flexibility to choose the type of Sum Insured at

the inception.

Option I Level Sum Insured: The Basic Sum Insured shall remain unchanged throughout the

policy term.

Option II Increasing Sum Insured: The Sum Insured increases by 10% of Basic Sum Insured each

year for first five years starting from the first policy anniversary or until the diagnosis of

first event of Cancer, whichever is earlier. On diagnosis of any specified Cancer as

mentioned in Para 1, all the claims shall be based on the Increased Sum Insured at the

policy anniversary coinciding or prior to the diagnosis of the first claim and further
increases to this Sum Insured will not be applicable.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

LIC's Jeevan Utkarsh-846

LIC's Jeevan Utkarsh-846


LIC’s Jeevan Utkarsh (Plan 846)
LIC’s Jeevan Utkarsh is a single premium,
non-linked, with-profits, savings cum protection plan.
As it is a non linked plan amount is not invested in the equity or share market.
 The risk cover of the plan is ten times of Tabular Single premium.

·         LIC Jeevan Utkarsh policy is a single premium policy. It means that investors will pay premium only once which will be paid at the time of buying the policy.

·         The maturity period of the policy will be of 12 years.

·         This policy provides protection against accidental death and disability benefit rider.

·         One of the most unique features of the policy is its New Settlement Feature.

·         Policy holder can apply for loan after a period of 3 months from the date of purchase of policy.

·         Insurance coverage will be given only after the policy has completed its 5 years of time frame. In case if the policy holder dies before the completion of 5 years then the amount that will be given to the nominee will be equal to the premium made by the policy holder. No interest will be given to the policy holder before 5 years as the interest will start computing after the completion of 5 years.

·         If in case the policy holder survives till the completion of the policy term then he/she will be provided with the “Sum Assured on Maturity” along with the Loyalty (if any), shall be payable.

Thursday 17 August 2017

LIC's Bima Diamond Plan (841)

LIC's Bima Diamond Plan (841)
LIC's Bima Diamond Plan (841)

Monday 31 July 2017

New Money Back Plan - 25 Years

New Money Back Plan - 25 Years
New Money Back Plan - 25 Years
LIC's New Money Back Plan-25 years is a participating non-linked plan which offers an attractive combination of protection against death throughout the term of the plan along with the periodic payment on survival at specified duration during the term. This unique combination provides financial support for the family of the deceased policyholder any time before maturity and lump sum amount at the time of maturity for the surviving policyholders. This plan also takes care of liquidity needs through its loan facility.
Survival Benefits: In case of Life Assured surviving to the end of the specified duration 15% of the Basic Sum Assured at the end of each of 5th, 10th, 15th & 20th policy year.
Maturity Benefit: In case of Life assured surviving the stipulated date of maturity, 40% of the Basic Sum Assured along with vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and Final Additional bonus, if any, shall be payable.
Premium Calculator:

Wednesday 28 June 2017

LIC's New Jeevan Anand Plan

LIC's New Jeevan Anand Plan

LIC's New Jeevan Anand Plan

LIC's New Jeevan Anand Plan is a participating non-linked plan which offers an attractive combination of protection and savings. This combination provides financial protection against death throughout the lifetime of the policyholder with the provision of payment of lumpsum at the end of the selected policy term in case of his/her survival. This plan also takes care of liquidity needs through its loan facility.

1. Benefits:

Benefits payable at the end of Policy Term: Basic Sum Assured, along with vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and Final Additional Bonus, if any, shall be payable in lump sum on survival to the end of the policy term provided all due premiums have been paid.

2. Optional Benefit

LIC's Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider: LIC's Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider is available as an optional rider by payment of additional premium during the policy term. In case of accidental death during the policy term, Accident Benefit Sum Assured will be payable as lumpsum along with the death benefit under the basic plan. In case of accidental permanent disability arising due to accident (within 180 days from the date of accident), an amount equal to the Accident Benefit Sum Assured will be paid in equal monthly installments spread over 10 years and future premiums for Accident Benefit Sum Assured as well as premiums for the portion of Basic Sum Assured which is equal to Accident Benefit Sum Assured under the policy, shall be waived.





LIC's Single Premium Endowment Plan is a participating non-linked savings cum protection plan, where premium is paid in lump sum at the outset of the policy. This combination provides financial protection against death during the policy term with the provision of payment of lump sum at the end of the selected policy term in case of his/her survival. This plan also takes care of liquidity needs through its loan facility.

Tuesday 13 June 2017



LIC's Jeevan Pragati Plan is a non-linked, with - profits plan which offers a combination of protection and savings. This plan provides for automatic increase in risk cover after every five years during the term of the policy. In addition, this plan also takes care of liquidity needs through loan facility.

1. Benefits:

Death benefit
 : In case of death during the policy term, provided all due premiums have been paid, Death benefit, defined as sum of "Sum Assured on Death ", vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and Final Additional bonus, if any, shall be payable. Where "Sum Assured on Death" is defined as the higher of 10 times of annualized premium or Absolute amount assured to be paid on death i.e. 100% of the Basic Sum Assured during first 5 policy years, 125% of the Basic Sum Assured during 6th to 10th policy years, 150% of the Basic Sum Assured during 11th to 15 th policy years and thereafter 200% of the Basic Sum Assured.
Maturity Benefit: 
"Sum Assured on Maturity" equal to Basic Sum Assured, along with vested Simple Reversionary bonuses and Final Additional bonus, if any, shall be payable in lump sum on survival to the end of the policy term provided all due premiums have been paid.

Thursday 8 June 2017



LIC's Jeevan Labh is a limited premium paying, non-linked, with-profits endowment plan which offers a combination of protection and savings. This plan provides financial support for the family in case of unfortunate death of the policyholder any time before maturity and a lump sum amount at the time of maturity for the surviving policyholder. This plan also takes care of liquidity needs through its loan facility.


Death benefit: In case of death during the policy term, provided all due premiums have been paid, Death benefit, defined as sum of "Sum Assured on Death",vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and Final Additional bonus, if any, shall be payable.

Maturity Benefit:
"Sum Assured on Maturity" equal to Basic Sum Assured, along with vested Simple Reversionary bonuses and Final Additional bonus, if any, shall be payable in lump sum on survival to the end of the policy term provided all due premiums have been paid.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

LIC का नया एंडोवमेंट प्लान (यूआईएन: 512N277V01)

LIC का नया एंडोवमेंट प्लान (यूआईएन: 512N277V01)
LIC का नया एंडोवमेंट प्लान (यूआईएन: 512N277V01)

LIC का नया एंडोवमेंट प्लान एक ऐसा नॉन-लिंक भागीदारी प्लान है जो सुरक्षा और बचत सुविधा का आकर्षक समायोजन प्रदान करता है. यह समायोजन परिपक्वता से पहले किसी भी समय पॉलिसीधारक की मृत्यु होने पर उसके परिवार को वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान करता है और जीवित पॉलिसीधारक को परिपक्वता के समय उचित एकमुश्त राशि प्रदान करता है.

यह प्लान, इसकी ऋण सुविधा के माध्यम से तरलता आवश्यकताओं का भी ध्यान रखता है.
1. मृत्यु होने पर मिलने वाली राशि:पॉलिसी अवधि के दौरान मृत्यु होने पर, बशर्ते सभी देय प्रीमियम का भुगतान कर दिया गया हो तो मृत्यु होने पर मिलने वाले हितलाभ को "मृत्यु होने पर मिलने वाली बीमा राशि" के रूप में निर्धारित किया जाएगा और निहित साधारण प्रत्यावर्ती बोनस तथा अंतिम अतिरिक्त बोनस, यदि कोई है, तो वह देय होगा. जहाँ, "मृत्यु होने पर मिलने वाली बीमा राशि" को उच्च मूल बीमा राशि या वार्षिक प्रीमियम की 10 गुना राशि के रूप में निर्धारित किया जाता है. मृत्यु होने पर मिलने वाली राशि मृत्यु तिथि तक चुकाए गए सभी प्रीमियम के 105% से कम नहीं होगी.
जहाँ प्रीमियम में यदि कोई सेवा कर, अतिरिक्त प्रीमियम और राइडर प्रीमियम है तो वह शामिल नहीं है.
परिपक्वता राशि: मूल बीमा राशि के साथ-साथ निहित साधारण प्रत्यावर्ती बोनस और अंतिम अतिरिक्त बोनस, यदि कोई है, तो जीवित रहने पर पॉलिसी अवधि की समाप्ति पर देय होगें बशर्ते सभी देय प्रीमियम का भुगतान किया गया हो.लाभ में सहभागिता: पॉलिसी निगम के लाभ में सहभागिता करेगी और निगम के अनुभव के अनुसार घोषित होने वाले साधारण प्रत्यावर्ती बोनस को प्राप्त करने के लिए पात्र होगी, बशर्तें पॉलिसी पूरी तरह से जारी रहे.जब मृत्यु या परिपक्वता के कारण पॉलिसी में कोई दावा उत्पन्न होता है, तो पॉलिसी के अंतर्गत उस वर्ष में अंतिम (अतिरिक्त) बोनस भी घोषित किया जा सकता है, बशर्ते पॉलिसी निश्चित न्यूनतम अवधि तक चालू रही हो.2. वैकल्पिक हितलाभ:LIC का दुर्घटना मृत्यु और विकलांगता हितलाभ राइडर: LIC के दुर्घटना मृत्यु और अक्षमता हितलाभ राइडर, अतिरिक्त प्रीमियम के भुगतान पर वैकल्पिक राइडर के रूप में उपलब्ध है. दुर्घटना में मृत्यु होने की स्थिति में, दुर्घटना हितलाभ बीमा राशि का भुगतान एकमुश्त राशि के रूप में, मूल प्लान के अंतर्गत मिलने वाले मृत्यु हितलाभ के साथ किया जाएगा. दुर्घटना के कारण होने वाली आकस्मिक स्थायी विकलांगता की स्थिति में (दुर्घटना की तिथि के 180 दिनों के भीतर), दुर्घटना हितलाभ बीमा राशि के बराबर राशि का भुगतान 10 वर्षों तक समान मासिक किस्तों में किया जाएगा और दुर्घटना हितलाभ बीमा राशि के भावी प्रीमियम के साथ-साथ मूल बीमा राशि जो पॉलिसी के अंतर्गत दुर्घटना हितलाभ बीमा राशि के बराबर होती है, उसके भाग के प्रीमियम नहीं लिए जाएँगे.  more detail contact me 7404833881

Sunday 28 May 2017

New Money Back Plan-20 Years

New Money Back Plan-20 Years
New Money Back Plan-20 Years


LIC's New Money Back Plan-20 years is a participating non-linked plan which offers an attractive combination of protection against death throughout the term of the plan along with the periodic payment on survival at specified durations during the term. This unique combination provides financial support for the family of the deceased policyholder any time before maturity and lump sum amount at the time of maturity for the surviving policyholders. This plan also takes care of liquidity needs through its loan facility.


Death benefit: On death during the policy term provided the policy is in full force, death benefit, defined as sum of “Sum Assured on Death” and vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and Final Additional Bonus, if any, shall be payable. Where, “Sum Assured on Death” is defined as higher of 125% of the Basic Sum Assured or 10 times of annualized premium. This death benefit shall not be less than 105% of the total premiums paid as on date of death.

The premiums mentioned above exclude tax, extra premium and rider premium, if any.

Survival Benefits: In case of Life Assured surviving to the end of the specified durations 20% of the Basic Sum Assured at the end of each of 5th, 10th & 15th policy year.

Maturity Benefit: In case of Life Assured surviving the stipulated date of maturity, 40% of the Basic Sum Assured along with vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and Final Additional Bonus, if any, shall be payable.

Monday 22 May 2017

Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (UIN: 512G311V01)

Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (UIN: 512G311V01)
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (UIN: 512G311V01)


Government of India has announced Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana for citizen age 60 years and above. LIC of India has been given the sole privilege to operate this scheme. It has been decided to launch Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana on 4th May 2017. The scheme shall be available for one year from date of launch.
This scheme can be purchased offline . To Purchase this scheme  please log on to our


Pension Payment :

On survival of the Pensioner during the policy term of 10 years, pension in arrears (at the end of each period as per mode chosen) shall be payable.

Death Benefit:

On death of the Pensioner during the policy term of 10 years, the Purchase Price shall be refunded to beneficiary.

Maturity Benefit:

On survival of the pensioner to the end of the policy term of 10 years, Purchase price along with final pension installment shall be payable.

Ceiling of maximum pension is for a family as a whole i.e. total amount of pension under all the policies allowed to a family under this plan shall not exceed the maximum pension limit. The family for this purpose will comprise of pensioner, his/her spouse and dependents

Saturday 20 May 2017

Bima Diamond Plan (Plan No. 841)

Bima Diamond Plan (Plan No. 841)
Bima Diamond Plan (Plan No. 841)

By Kishore Kumar

LIC's Bima Diamond Plan (841) is a non-linked, with-profits, limited premium payment money back type plan which offers a combination of protection and saving.This plan provides financial support for the family not only during the policy term but also beyond the policy term during the Extended Cover Period (equal to half of the policy term and beginning from the date of maturity).